Monday, 22 October 2012

Snow - Finally

So, finally we got some snow here in Banff, which all of us hopefully are more than stoked about. That means that it is time to go snowboarding and skiing soon, and that you guys will start work soon, if you haven�t already. It�s going to be an epic season out here � I can already feel it.
-      Yes, I must admit that I am SO f***ing jealous of all of you guys right now. I got a bit less than 2 weeks left here in Banff, and I wont even get time to shred some pow pow before I leave.
So for all of you lucky people who are staying out here in Banff, you better take advantage of all the snow Banff is getting, else I�ll come get ya! .

But to be honest, I am just glad that I got to see the snow on all the mountains before I left. Everything is so much prettier out here when it�s covered with the white fluffy crystals we are calling snow.
And you probably can�t wait for winter to start right now, eventhough I�ve heard people are already complaining about the cold� HAHA� in 6 months when it�s like today, +2 deg Celsius and sunny with a chance of snow (typical mountain weather), you�ll be walking around in t-shirts and have a laugh over all the tourists who has layered up and are freezing like you are now.  And for me it still looks a tiny bit funny when I see all of you marching around in all of your ski and snowboard gear in October � we only got a couple of inches of snow and are just below freezing point. � I admit that I�m wearing a lot of clothes myself, summer made me weak, but I�ll not fully dress up to just go outside a door. Wait for it, it�s going to be much much colder!

But let�s enjoy my last two weeks. I hope to meet as many as possible before I go, and remember to enjoy Banff and all the snow you�ll get here. I�ll miss this place whenever I�m not here. And I really hope that you will have as fun as a season as I had 2 years ago � or maybe even more fun.

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